Ms O. ll

Fotografe: Ellen Lootens
Model: Sarah De Grauwe

Ms O. l



This is another little project of mine, I didn't spent alot of time on it, so its not really finished.
Based on this creation of Zebra3 Buy-Sellf and on the clouds of pjcr.be/clouds, I designed my very own caravan. I would love to do some roadtrips with this cute little thing! On 10m2 you got everything you need for a nice and relaxing trip (with your head in the cloud(s)!), don't you think? Since I owned a Fiat 500 oldtimer, I should do some research on light-weight materials, I don't want to get pulled down if I'm driving up a moutainside! (or even a bridge, last year it took almost al its power to drive up one)
Can't wait to build this in real-life!


Bachelorproef architectuur

Bloed, zweet en tranen heeft het gekost, maar ik ben best wel trots op mijn bachelorproefproject! Opdracht was in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, op een vaste site 35 woningen ontwerpen, met publieke functie.

Vanuit de analyse bleek dat heel weinig mensen in de buurt een eigen kwalitatieve buitenruimte hebben. Aangezien er hier ook heel wat culturen zijn die vooral buiten leven, heb ik gekozen voor gemeenschappelijke moestuinen in serres, verspreid op een aantal wastelands in Molenbeek. Op deze manier leren de mensen elkaar beter kennen door samen te werken, en kunnen ze ook genieten van een 'tuin', zelfs in de winter.
Deze moestuinen/serres komen ook terug op het ontwerp van de site zelf.

Meer uitleg later!


Vintage cocktail chair

Lately I'm kind of obsessed by this type of '50s cocktail chairs. They look so nice and adorable! Ouh, must sit so comfortable, with that big big cushion, seems like you will sink in it when you sit on it. Unfortunately they're quite rare I think, I don't really find much of them on the internet, and I also discovered that they're quite expensive (and actually I don't have any space left in my room, but that's not a big issue, I want them so bad I could easily make some space :D). Kind of a shame that I couldn't find any pictures of the chair when standing in a nice living space, maybe that's another reason I should buy a pair of these!
